Rock Crystals : Know Your Material


At Isharya, it is our constant endeavour to use materials that stand out for their quality and craftsmanship. Our latest collection, Rock Crystal Series, isn’t any different. The foundation of this line-up, as the name suggests, is a metamorphic material called rock crystal.


These beautiful crystals are colourless, translucent, and encase a prismatic beauty. Other than the aesthetic considerations, they are often associated with positive and uplifting energies that have a calming effect on the wearer. It stands for peaceful, calming vibrations that revitalize the mind and body.
The etymology has Greek roots — ‘krystallos’ which means “ice” is the basis for the origin of the material. It conjures up the imagery of frozen rocks and was predominantly used for carving. Some of the examples can be found in ancient Egypt, Iraq, Iran, and other parts of the Middle East.


Interestingly, rock crystals were used extensively during the Art Deco period. These enigmatic stones were carved into geometrical shapes and used in rings, brooches, pendants, and
bracelets. In addition to this, rock crystals were also used during the late Victorian era for gentlemen’s jewelry which often included animal motifs and hunting monograms.
In India, these crystals were used to make object d’art in the Mughal period. These collectibles were inlaid with precious stones and stood out for the intricacy of their decoration representing an incredible feat in craftsmanship. Many of these pieces are auctioned by institutions like Sotheby’s and The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Here, discover our take on this incredible material.

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